Annual Meeting Exhibits

Join us in Philadelphia, PA January 5–8, 2023!

Since 1884, the American Historical Association annual meeting has been the premier gathering for historians to come together to share research and professional development, and to network with other scholars from across the world. Young historians attend to learn about the profession and their career paths. The Exhibit Hall is a major attraction for attendees seeking publishers for their work; procuring books for course adoption; finding new teaching tools; investigating the latest monographs, edited volumes, and journals; and exploring digital solutions.

The meeting will be held at the Philadelphia Marriott Hotel.

Join us in Philadelphia for the American Historical Association's 136th Annual Meeting.

2023 Online Space Application 

2023 Online Floor Plan



Why Exhibit at the AHA Annual Meeting?

  • Support your authors by promoting their books
  • Meet new potential authors waiting to pitch their projects to you
  • Demonstrate your electronic database, digital program, or other tool
  • Connect with educators seeking new books for course adoption
  • Convince attendees to recommend your books and databases to their institutions for purchase


30% of attendees came to see a specific exhibitor

74% found a product they would purchase or recommend for purchase

28% of attendees searched for digital collections and tools for primary source access, research or teaching

88% searched the exhibit hall for new academic books

Learn more about Who Attends the AHA annual meeting

About the AHA

The American Historical Association (AHA) is the largest professional organization in the United States devoted to the study and promotion of history and historical thinking. Only the AHA brings together historians from all specializations and professions, embracing their breadth, variety, and ever-changing activity.

The AHA has 12,000 members and over 100 affiliate organizations, many of whom hold sessions as part of the AHA annual meeting. 4,269 historians attended our 2020 meeting in New York, NY. The Exhibit Hall regularly includes over 80 or more exhibitors.